Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] DataRight IQ
User's Guide
Version 7. 70c July 2006
Identify and parse name, title, firm data, phone numbers, Social Security numbers, dates, e-mail addresses, and userdefined patterns Assign gender and add prenames Create personalized greetings Generate match standards Convert files to a standard format Search for and replace data Scan and split data Generate reports and statistics files
Published in the United States of America by Firstlogic, Inc. , 100 Harborview Plaza, La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601-4071. Customer Care Technical help is free for customers who are current on their ESP. When you call, have at hand the user's manual and the version number of your Firstlogic product. Call from a location where you can operate your software while speaking on the phone. [. . . ] For example, if you wanted to create an output file for female names only, your output filter for Name1 might look like this:
(. not. AP. Gender1 = "5"
Note: When posting to the same output file with multiple blocks, set the Existing File parameter in each block to the same values. For example, all Existing File parameters should either be set to Append or Replace
DataRight IQ User's Guide
Chapter 12: Reports and statistics
With DataRight IQ you can produce a variety of reports. Each report has its own block for you to set various reporting options. Also, DataRight IQ offers a Report Defaults block where you can set parameters that are the same for all of the reports that you generate. For complete descriptions of the report options for DataRight IQ Job, refer to "Report Defaults" on page 223.
DataRight IQ produces the following reports. Refer to the corresponding page number to obtain more information:
Report Description Page
Job Summary report Executive Summary report Input File Summary report Input List Summary report List Quality report Output File report
A concise statement of your job setup, input data, and results. A concise statement of the most crucial information about your DataRight IQ job. Shows a summary of the records input, records dropped, and records processed. Shows the number of records that DataRight IQ assigned to each input list that you defined in the job. Shows statistics for each output file, including how many records were posted, how many records were dropped, and the output filter(s) used for each output file. Shows you exactly which records were assigned parsing-error codes during processing. A listing of all input records.
147 149 151 152
153 154
Parsing Error report All Records report Change report
155 157
A listing of records that were changed during pro- 159 cessing.
Chapter 12: Reports and statistics
Statistics files
In addition to reports, DataRight IQ creates statistics files that contain the information from several of the reports.
Report Description Page
Job summary statistics file Executive summary statistics file Output statistics file
Represents significant aspects of your DataRight IQ job.
Contains all information from the Executive Sum- 162 mary report. Contains information from the Output File report and lists one record per list per output file. 163
DataRight IQ User's Guide
Manage your reports and statistics files
DataRight IQ lets you produce reports two ways: Save the data in files on disk Print the report (send report data directly to a printer)
Save report data
DataRight IQ gives you the option to send reports directly to a printer. This way, you get a chance to preview reports before committing them to paper. DataRight IQ can write each report to a separate file or send all the reports to one file. This approach gives you more files to handle, but it's easier to find a particular report. Also, the files are smaller and you have more control over printing them. This file can be quite large, but you can insert banner pages to help you organize it.
One file or many
File names based on job name
To save time and keep files manageable, DataRight IQ offers a shortcut for naming report files. Here is an example of how it works:
Job-file name Report type Report file name as entered in the job file Report file produced
my_job. diq
Executive Summary Job Summary Input File Summary Output File
$job. dex $job. djs $job. dif $job. dof
my_job. dex my_job. djs my_job. dif my_job. dof
Print report data
Before you print reports, you need to set up several options for their appearance. You can set these options once and make them apply to all reports in a section called Report Defaults. [. . . ] drl_item_get_match_stnd()
Call this function to retrieve the parsing confidence, or score, for a parsed item. (For more information about confidence scores, see "Data-quality scores and codes" on page 165. )
int drl_item_get_score(DRL_PARSE_ID, DRL_ITEM, int, int *);
Parameter Description
Input: Input: Input:
The DRL_PARSE_ID handle. The item to retrieve the score for.
Output: Populated with the score for the item.
Before you call this function
drl_parse() has been called. drl_item_get_count() has been called.
drl_item_get_text and drl_item_get_text_u
Call this function to retrieve the text for a parsed item.
For non-Unicode, use:
int drl_item_get_text(DRL_PARSE_ID, DRL_ITEM, int, unsigned long, char *, int);
For Unicode, use:
int drl_item_get_text_u(DRL_PARSE_ID, DRL_ITEM, int, unsigned long, FlUChar*, int);
Parameter Description
Input: Input: Input:
The DRL_PARSE_ID handle. [. . . ]