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CATERPILLAR 7395 BROCHURE: Download the complete user guide (1333 Ko)

Manual abstract: user guide CATERPILLAR 7395BROCHURE

Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

[. . . ] Withthetouchofthebutton, onetouchidlereducesengine speedtohelpsavefuel;touchitagainormovethejoystick andthemachinereturnstonormaloperatinglevel. Theoptionalheavyliftmodeincreasesmachinesystem pressuretoimprovelift­anicebenefitincertainsituations. Heavyliftmodealsoreducesenginespeedandpumpflow in ordertoimprovecontrollability. Monitor The7395isequippedwithanewLCD(LiquidCrystalDisplay) monitor(2)that's40%biggerthanthepreviousmodel's withhigherresolutionforbettervisibility. In additiontoan improvedkeypadandaddedfunctionality, it'sprogrammable toprovideinformationinachoiceof42languagesto supporttoday'sdiverseworkforce. [. . . ] Inaddition, themonitorservesasadisplayfortheoptional rearviewcamera. Uptotwodifferentcameraimagescanbe displayedonthescreen. 1 MP3-ReadyRadioandPowerSupply Thestandardradioisequippedwithanewauxiliaryaudio portforMP3players. Two12voltpowersupplysocketsare locatednearkeystorageareasforcharging. Storage Storagespacesarelocatedinthefront, rear, andsideconsoles. NewspaceneartheauxiliarypowersupplyholdsMP3players andcellphones. Thedrinkholderaccommodateslargemugs withhandles, andanewshelfbehindtheseatstoreslarge lunchortoolboxes. AutomaticClimateControl Theclimatecontrolsystemfeaturesfiveairoutletswith positivefilteredventilation, whichmakesworkingintheheat andcoldmuchmorepleasant. 2 Engine Reduced emissions, economical and reliable performance Cat®C13ACERTTMEngine TheCatC13ACERTenginedeliversmorehorsepowerusinglessfuelthanthepreviousseriesengine. EmissionsSolution TheC13ACERTengineisequippedtomeetcurrentU. S. Tier4Interimregulations. Drivenbycustomerinput, Cat's aftertreatmentregenerationsolutionensuresthemachineworksasnormalwithnooperatorinterventionneeded. Themachinecomeswithtwoprogrammablemodesofoperation:automaticandmanualregeneration. Inautomaticmode, themachinestartstheregenerationprocessoncethefilteringsystemreachesacertainlevelandconditions areoptimal. Thesystemwillnotinterrupttheworkprocessandcanregenerateduringmachineoperation. Manualmodeenablestheoperatortooverridetheautomaticmode. Withatouchofabutton(1)insidethecab, thismode allowstheoperatortomovethemachinefromflammableorheatrestrictedareasbeforeinitiatingtheregenerationprocess. BioDiesel-ReadyFuelSystem TheCatC13ACERTengineisequippedwithamechanicallyactuated, electronicallycontrolledunitinjector(MEUI)fuelsystem thatincludesanewelectricprimingpumpandthreelayerfuelhosetoallowtheuseofbiofueluptoB20(biofuel20%mixture). CoolingSystem Thehighambientcoolingsystemfeaturesasidebysidemountedradiatorandoilandaircoolersforeasycleaning. SpeedandPowerControl ThenewESeriesfeaturesisochronousspeedcontroltomaintainaconstantspeed­regardlessofload­toimprovefuel economy. Threedifferentpowermodesareoffered:highpower, standardpower, andeconomypower. Theoperatorcaneasily changebetweenmodesthroughthemonitororconsoleswitchtomeettheneedsforthejobathand­alltohelpmanageand conservefuel. 5 StructuresandUndercarriage Built to work in rugged environments Frame TheupperframeincludesnewreinforcedmountingstosupportanewRollOverProtectiveStructure (ROPS)cab;thelowerframeisreinforcedtoincreasecomponentdurability. Undercarriage Fixedandvariablegaugelongundercarriagesystemsareavailabletosupportvariousworkapplications. Heavydutytrackrollers, precisionforgedcarrierrollers, pressfitpinmasterjoints, andenhanced trackshoeboltsimprovedurabilityandreducetheriskofmachinedowntimeandtheneedandcost to replacecomponents. Anewsegmentedthreepieceguidingguardisnowofferedtomaintaintrackalignmentandimprove performanceinmultipleapplications. Aredesignedmotorhousingpreventsmudpackinganddebrisbuilduparoundseals. Counterweights Thestandard9. 0mt(9. 9t)counterweightmaintainslargeliftingcapacityandexcellentstability. The7395featuresanoverfillindicatorthatriseswhenthetankisfulltohelptheoperatoravoid spilling. The7395'squickfillportswithconnectorsensurefast, easy, andsecurechangingofhydraulicoil. The7395isbuilttoberebuiltwithmajorstructuresandcomponentsremanufacturedtoreducewaste andreplacementcosts. The7395isanefficient, productivemachinethat'sdesignedtoconserveournaturalresources for generationsahead. 14 7395LHydraulicExcavatorSpecifications Engine EngineModel NetFlywheelPower NetPower­ ISO 14396 NetPower­ SAE J1349 GrossPower­ SAE J1995 Bore Stroke Displacement Cat®C13ACERTTM 295kW 396hp 317kW 425hp HydraulicSystem ServiceRefillCapacities 190gal 13. 2gal 11. 4gal 2. 6gal 4. 0gal 150. 6gal 107. 5gal MainSystem­ MaximumFlow (Total) SwingSystem­ MaximumFlow 301kW 404hp MaximumPressure ­ Equipment 322kW 432hp MaximumPressure ­ Equipment 130mm 5. 12in (Lift mode) 157mm 6. 18in MaximumPressure 12. 5L 568in3 ­Travel MaximumPressure Weights ­Swing MinimumWeight* 47800kg 105, 400lb PilotSystem­ MaximumWeight** 53300kg 117, 500lb MaximumFlow PilotSystem­ MaximumPressure * . 9m(22'8")HDReachboom, 6 R3. 35TB(11'0")HDstick, 9. 0mt(9. 9t) BoomCylinder­ counterweight, LongFIXundercarriage, Bore 3. 1m3(4. 1yd3)bucket, 600mm(24") BoomCylinder­ DG shoes. Stroke **6. 55m(21'6")Massboom, M3. 0UB(9'10") StickCylinder­ HDstick, 9. 0mt(9. 9t)counterweight, Bore 3 3 LongVGundercarriage, 3. 2m (4. 2yd ) StickCylinder­ bucket, 900mm(35")TGshoes. Stroke DBFamilyBucket Cylinder­Bore DBFamilyBucket Cylinder­Stroke TBFamilyBucket Cylinder­Bore TBFamilyBucket Cylinder­Stroke 770L/min 203gal/min FuelTankCapacity 720L CoolingSystem 50L EngineOil 43L 385L/min 102gal/min (with filter) SwingDrive(each) 10L 35000kPa 5, 076psi FinalDrive(each) 15L HydraulicSystem 570L 38000kPa 5, 512psi (includingtank) HydraulicTank 407L 35000kPa 5, 076psi 27500kPa 3, 989psi 27L/min 7. 1gal/min Track NumberofShoes (eachside) LongFixUndercarriage LongVariableGauge Undercarriage NumberofTrackRollers (each side) LongFixUndercarriage LongVariableGauge Undercarriage NumberofCarrierRollers (each side) LongFixUndercarriage LongVariableGauge Undercarriage 52 52 4120kPa 598psi 170mm 6. 69in 1524mm 60. 00in 190mm 7. 48in 9 9 1758mm 69. 21in 160mm 6. 30in 2 3 1356mm 53. 39in 170mm 6. 69in SoundPerformance SAEJ1166 ·Whenproperlyinstalledandmaintained, thecabofferedbyCaterpillar, whentested withdoorsandwindowsclosedaccording toANSI/SAEJ1166OCT98, meetsOSHA andMSHArequirementsforoperator soundexposurelimitsineffectattime of manufacture. ·Hearingprotectionmaybeneededwhen operatingwithanopenoperatorstation andcab(whennotproperlymaintained or doors/windowsopen)forextended periodsorinnoisyenvironment. 1396mm 54. 96in Drive Maximum Travel Speed Maximum Drawbar Pull 4. 7km/h 335kN 2. 9mph 75, 300lbf SwingMechanism SwingSpeed SwingTorque 8. 7rpm 148. 5 kN·m 109, 500 lbft Standards Brakes Cab/FOGS ISOandSAE ISOandSAE 15 7395LHydraulicExcavatorSpecifications Dimensions­LongFIXUndercarriage All dimensions are approximate. 2 3 1 9 10 7 8 6 4 5 H DReachBoom 6. 9m(22'8") S tick R3. 9TB (12'10") m m(ft) 3670(12'1") 3670(12'1") 11930(39'2") 3760(12'4") 4360(14'4") 5370(17'7") 510(1'8") 2740(9'0") 3340(11'0") 3490(11'5") 3640(11'11") 3220(10'7") 3390(11'1") 1280(4'2") R3. 35TB (11'0") m m(ft) 3730(12'3") 3730(12'3") 11920(39'1") 3760(12'4") 4360(14'4") 5370(17'7") 510(1'8") 2740(9'0") 3340(11'0") 3490(11'5") 3640(11'11") 3220(10'7") 3390(11'1") 1280(4'2") M assBoom 6. 55m(21'6") M3. 0UB (9'10") m m(ft) 4020(13'2") 4020(13'2") 11590(38'0") 3760(12'4") 4360(14'4") 5370(17'7") 510(1'8") 2740(9'0") 3340(11'0") 3490(11'5") 3640(11'11") 3220(10'7") 3390(11'1") 1280(4'2") M2. 5UB (8'2") m m(ft) 3980(13'1") 3980(13'1") 11680(38'4") 3760(12'4") 4360(14'4") 5370(17'7") 510(1'8") 2740(9'0") 3340(11'0") 3490(11'5") 3640(11'11") 3220(10'7") 3390(11'1") 1280(4'2") 1 ShippingHeight ShippingHeightwithTopGuard 2 ShippingLength 3 TailSwingRadius 4 LengthtoCenterofRollers 5 TrackLength 6 GroundClearance(includingShoeLugHeight) 7 TrackGauge T 8 ransportWidth 600mm(24")Shoes 750mm(30")Shoes 900mm(36")Shoes 9 CabHeight CabHeightwithTopGuard 10 CounterweightClearance 16 Dimensions­LongVGUndercarriage All dimensions are approximate. 2 3 1 9 10 7 8 6 4 5 H DReachBoom 6. 9m(22'8") S tick R3. 9TB (12'10") m m(ft) 3650(12'0") 3650(12'0") 11890(39'0") 3760(12'4") 4340(14'3") 5380(17'8") 740(2'5") 2890(9'6") 2390(7'10") 3490(11'5") 3640(11'11") 3790(12'5") 3000(9'10") 3140(10'4") 3290(10'10") 3370(11'1") 3540(11'7") 1430(4'8") R3. 35TB (11'0") m m(ft) 3550(11'8") 3550(11'8") 11820(38'9") 3760(12'4") 4340(14'3") 5380(17'8") 740(2'5") 2890(9'6") 2390(7'10") 3490(11'5") 3640(11'11") 3790(12'5") 3000(9'10") 3140(10'4") 3290(10'10") 3370(11'1") 3540(11'7") 1430(4'8") M assBoom 6. 55m(21'6") M3. 0UB (9'10") m m(ft) 4020(13'2") 4020(13'2") 11560(37'11") 3760(12'4") 4340(14'3") 5380(17'8") 740(2'5") 2890(9'6") 2390(7'10") 3490(11'5") 3640(11'11") 3790(12'5") 3000(9'10") 3140(10'4") 3290(10'10") 3370(11'1") 3540(11'7") 1430(4'8") M2. 5UB (8'2") m m(ft) 4010(13'2") 4010(13'2") 11640(38'2") 3760(12'4") 4340(14'3") 5380(17'8") 740(2'5") 2890(9'6") 2390(7'10") 3490(11'5") 3640(11'11") 3790(12'5") 3000(9'10") 3140(10'4") 3290(10'10") 3370(11'1") 3540(11'7") 1430(4'8") 1 ShippingHeight ShippingHeightwithTopGuard 2 ShippingLength 3 TailSwingRadius 4 LengthtoCenterofRollers 5 TrackLength 6 GroundClearance(includingShoeLugHeight) 7 TrackGauge(Expanded) TrackGauge(Retracted) 8 TransportWidth(Expanded) 600mm(24")Shoes 750mm(30")Shoes 900mm(36")Shoes TransportWidth(Retracted) 600mm(24")Shoes 750mm(30")Shoes 900mm(36")Shoes 9 CabHeight CabHeightwithTopGuard 10 CounterweightClearance 17 7395LHydraulicExcavatorSpecifications W orkingRanges A ll dimensions are approximate. Feet Meters 40 Feet Meters 40 35 30 25 20 15 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 35 30 25 20 11 10 9 8 7 3 15 6 5 4 3 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 3 2 1 4 5 5 0 0 1 2 R3. 9TBWithQuickCoupler R3. 9TBWithoutQuickCoupler R3. 35TBWithQuickCoupler R3. 35TBWithoutQuickCoupler 2 M3. 0UBWithoutQuickCoupler M2. 5UBWithoutQuickCoupler 5 10 15 20 25 30 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 7 6 1 7 6 12 40 11 10 35 9 30 8 25 7 6 20 5 15 4 3 10 2 5 1 0 1 Meters Feet 9 12 40 11 10 35 9 30 8 25 7 6 20 5 15 4 3 10 2 5 1 0 1 Meters Feet 0 0 H DReachBoom 6 . 9m(22'8") S tick R3. 9TB (12'10") m m(ft) L ongFIXUndercarriage 1 MaximumDiggingDepth 2 MaximumReachatGroundLevel 3 MaximumCuttingHeight 4 MaximumLoadingHeight 5 MinimumLoadingHeight 6 MaximumDepthCutfor2440mm(8'0")LevelBottom 7 MaximumVerticalWallDiggingDepth 8180(26'10") 12120(39'9") 10730(35'2") 7450(24'5") 2230(7'4") 8050(26'5") 5890(19'4") R3. 35TB (11'0") m m(ft) 7630(25'0") 11710(38'5") 10810(35'6") 7460(25'6") 2780(9'1") 7490(24'7") 5760(18'11") M assBoom 6 . 55m(21'6") M3. 0UB (9'10") m m(ft) 7230(23'9") 11200(36'9") 10300(33'10") 6820(22'5") 2650(8'8") 7080(23'3") 4570(15'0") M2. 5UB (8'2") m m(ft) 6730(23'1") 10740(35'3") 10110(33'2") 6620(21'9") 3150(10'4") 6560(21'6") 4140(13'7") 18 W orkingRanges A ll dimensions are approximate. Feet Meters 40 Feet Meters 40 35 30 25 20 15 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 35 30 25 20 11 10 9 8 7 3 15 6 5 4 3 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 3 2 1 4 5 5 0 0 1 2 R3. 9TBWithQuickCoupler R3. 9TBWithoutQuickCoupler R3. 35TBWithQuickCoupler R3. 35TBWithoutQuickCoupler 2 M3. 0UBWithoutQuickCoupler 5 10 15 20 25 30 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 1 6 M2. 5UBWithoutQuickCoupler 1 7 6 12 40 11 10 35 9 30 8 25 7 6 20 5 15 4 3 10 2 5 1 0 1 Meters Feet 9 12 40 11 10 35 9 30 8 25 7 6 20 5 15 4 3 10 2 5 1 0 1 Meters Feet 0 0 H DReachBoom 6 . 9m(22'8") S tick R3. 9TB (12'10") m m(ft) L ongVGUndercarriage 1 MaximumDiggingDepth 2 MaximumReachatGroundLevel 3 MaximumCuttingHeight 4 MaximumLoadingHeight 5 MinimumLoadingHeight 6 MaximumDepthCutfor2440mm(8'0")LevelBottom 7 MaximumVerticalWallDiggingDepth 8040(26'5") 12090(39'8") 10780(35'4") 7590(24'11") 2370(7'9") 7900(25'11") 5270(18'3") R3. 35TB (11'0") m m(ft) 7490(24'7") 11680(38'4") 10870(35'8") 7610(25'0") 2920(9'7") 7340(24'1") 5170(17'0") M assBoom 6 . 55m(21'6") M3. 0UB (9'10") m m(ft) 7140(23'5") 11220(36'10") 11440(37'6") 6910(22'8") 2740(9'0") 6990(22'11") 4340(14'3") M2. 5UB (8'2") m m(ft) 6640(21'9") 10760(35'4") 10240(33'7") 6720(22'1") 3240(10'8") 6740(22'1") 3910(12'10") 19 7395LHydraulicExcavatorSpecifications OperatingWeightandGroundPressure 900mm(36") TripleGrouserShoes k g(lb) LongFIXUndercarriage HDReachBoom­6. 9m(22'8") R 3. 9TBHD(12'10") R 3. 35TBHD(11'0") MassBoom­6. 55m(21'6") M 3. 0UBHD(9'10") M 2. 5UBHD(8'2") L ongVGUndercarriage HDReachBoom­6. 9m(22'8") R 3. 9TBHD(12'10") R 3. 35TBHD(11'0") MassBoom­6. 55m(21'6") M 3. 0UBHD(9'10") M 2. 5UBHD(8'2") k Pa(psi) 750mm(30") TripleGrouserShoes k g(lb) k Pa(psi) 600mm(24") DoubleGrouserShoes k g(lb) k Pa(psi) 49500(109, 100) 57. 0(8. 3) 48800(107, 600) 68. 0(9. 9) 48100(106, 000) 83. 0(12. 0) 49200(108, 500) 57. 0(8. 3) 48500(106, 900) 67. 0(9. 7) 47800(105, 400) 83. 0(12. 0) 50500(111, 300) 58. 0(8. 4) 49700(109, 600) 69. 0(10. 0) 49100(108, 200) 85. 0(12. 3) 50200(110, 700) 58. 0(8. 4) 49500(109, 100) 69. 0(10. 0) 48800(107, 600) 85. 0(12. 3) 52200(115, 100) 61. 0(8. 8) 51500(113, 500) 72. 0(10. 4) 50700(111, 800) 88. 0(12. 8) 52000(114, 600) 60. 0(8. 7) 51200(112, 900) 71. 0(10. 3) 50500(111, 300) 88. 0(12. 8) 53300(117, 500) 62. 0(9. 0) 52, 500(115, 700) 73. 0(10. 6) 51800(114, 200) 90. 0(13. 1) 53000(116, 800) 62. 0(9. 0) 52, 300(115, 300) 73. 0(10. 6) 51500(113, 500) 90. 0(13. 1) M ajorComponentWeights* kg Basemachine(withboomcylinder, withoutcounterweight, frontlinkageandtrack) LongFIXUndercarriage L ongVGUndercarriage C ounterweight 9. 0mt(9. 9t) Boom(includeslines, pinsandstickcylinder) ReachBoom­6. 9m(22'8") MassBoom­6. 55m(21'6") Stick(includeslines, pinsandbucketcylinder) R 3. 9TBHD(12'10") R 3. 35TBHD(11'0") M 3. 0UB(9'10") M 2. 5UB(8'2") Trackshoe(LongFIX/pertwotracks) 600mm(24")doublegrouser 750mm(30")triplegrouser 900mm(36")triplegrouser Trackshoe(LongVG/pertwotracks) 600mm(24")doublegrouser 750mm(30")triplegrouser 900mm(36")triplegrouser B uckets TB1880GD­3. 10m3(4. 05yd3) TB1555EX­1. 9m3(2. 49yd3) *Base machine includes 75 kg (165 lb) operator weight, 90% fuel weight, and undercarriage with center guard. lb 53, 400 59, 100 19, 800 9, 900 10, 500 6, 100 5, 500 6, 500 6, 000 11, 560 12, 960 14, 640 11, 680 13, 100 14, 780 5, 400 5, 200 24200 26800 9000 4510 4750 2750 2480 2930 2700 5240 5880 6640 5300 5940 6700 2440 2340 20 BucketandStickForces H DReachBoom 6. 9m(22'8") S tick R3. 9TB (12'10") k N(lbf) G eneralDuty BucketDiggingForce(ISO) StickDiggingForce(ISO) BucketDiggingForce(SAE) StickDiggingForce(SAE) GeneralDutyCapacity BucketDiggingForce(ISO) StickDiggingForce(ISO) BucketDiggingForce(SAE) StickDiggingForce(SAE) H eavyDuty BucketDiggingForce(ISO) StickDiggingForce(ISO) BucketDiggingForce(SAE) StickDiggingForce(SAE) S evereDuty BucketDiggingForce(ISO) StickDiggingForce(ISO) BucketDiggingForce(SAE) StickDiggingForce(SAE) E xtremeDuty BucketDiggingForce(ISO) StickDiggingForce(ISO) BucketDiggingForce(SAE) StickDiggingForce(SAE) 268(60, 200) 184(41, 400) 237(53, 300) 180(40, 500) 268(60, 200) 183(41, 100) 239(53, 700) 178(40, 000) 268(60, 200) 184(41, 400) 237(53, 300) 180(40, 500) 268(60, 200) 184(41, 400) 237(53, 300) 180(40, 500) 262(58, 900) 183(41, 100) 237(53, 300) 180(40, 500) 268(60, 200) 201(45, 200) 237(53, 300) 195(43, 800) 268(60, 200) 199(44, 700) 239(53, 700) 193(43, 400) 268(60, 200) 201(45, 200) 237(53, 300) 195(43, 800) 268(60, 200) 201(45, 200) 237(53, 300) 195(43, 800) 262(58, 900) 199(44, 700) 237(53, 300) 195(43, 800) 296(66, 500) 212(47, 700) 260(58, 500) 205(46, 100) ­ ­ ­ ­ 296(66, 500) 212(47, 700) 260(58, 500) 205(46, 100) 292(65, 600) 211(47, 400) 255(57, 300) 204(45, 900) ­ ­ ­ ­ 296(66, 500) 241(54, 200) 260(58, 500) 231(51, 900) ­ ­ ­ ­ 296(66, 500) 241(54, 200) 260(58, 500) 231(51, 900) 292(65, 600) 240(54, 000) 255(57, 300) 230(51, 700) ­ ­ ­ ­ R3. 35TB (11'0") k N(lbf) M assBoom 6. 55m(21'6") M3. 0UB (9'10") k N(lbf) M2. 5UB (8'2") k N(lbf) 21 7395LHydraulicExcavatorSpecifications BucketandStickForces H DReachBoom 6. 9m(22'8") S tick R3. 9TB (12'10") k N(lbf) F orCW-55 G eneralDuty BucketDiggingForce(ISO) StickDiggingForce(ISO) BucketDiggingForce(SAE) StickDiggingForce(SAE) H eavyDuty BucketDiggingForce(ISO) StickDiggingForce(ISO) BucketDiggingForce(SAE) StickDiggingForce(SAE) HeavyDuty­Power BucketDiggingForce(ISO) StickDiggingForce(ISO) BucketDiggingForce(SAE) StickDiggingForce(SAE) S evereDuty BucketDiggingForce(ISO) StickDiggingForce(ISO) BucketDiggingForce(SAE) StickDiggingForce(SAE) 220(49, 500) 172(38, 700) 204(45, 900) 169(38, 000) ­ ­ ­ ­ 223(50, 100) 173(38, 900) 205(46, 100) 170(38, 200) 223(50, 100) 173(38, 900) 205(46, 100) 170(38, 200) 220(49, 500) 186(41, 800) 204(45, 900) 182(40, 900) ­ ­ ­ ­ 223(50, 100) 188(42, 300) 205(46, 100) 184(41, 400) 223(50, 100) 188(42, 300) 205(46, 100) 184(41, 400) ­ ­ ­ ­ 262(58, 900) 202(45, 400) 237(53, 300) 197(44, 300) ­ ­ ­ ­ 259(58, 200) 202(45, 400) 234(52, 600) 196(44, 100) ­ ­ ­ ­ 262(58, 900) 228(51, 300) 237(53, 300) 221(49, 700) ­ ­ ­ ­ 259(58, 200) 227(51, 000) 234(52, 600) 220(49, 500) R3. 35TB (11'0") k N(lbf) M assBoom 6. 55m(21'6") M3. 0UB (9'10") k N(lbf) M2. 5UB (8'2") k N(lbf) 7395LWorkToolOfferingGuide* BoomType StickSize H ydraulicHammer M ultiProcessor MobileScrapandDemolitionShear ReachBoom(HD) R3. 9(HD)(12'10") H160Ds H180Ds MP30 S340B S365C** S385C** G330 R3. 35(HD)(11'0") H160Ds H180Ds MP30 S340B S365C** S385C** G330 MassBoom M3. 0(9'10") H160Ds H180Ds MP30 S340B S365C** S385C** G330 M2. 5(8'2") H160Ds H180Ds MP30 S340B S365C** S385C** G330 C ontractors'Grapple T rashGrapple Thumbs Rippers CenterLockPinGrabberCoupler DedicatedQuickCoupler ** oom Mount B Theseworktoolsareavailableforthe7395. ConsultyourCatdealerforpropermatch. *Matches are dependent on excavator configurations. Consult your Cat dealer for proper work tool match. 22 7395L(LC-FIX)HDReachBoomLiftCapacities­Americas Load Point Height Load at Maximum Reach Load Radius Over Front Load Radius Over Side Boom ­ 6. 9 m (22'8") Stick ­ R3. 9TB (12'10") 1. 5m/5. 0ft 3. 0m/10. 0ft Counterweight ­ 9. 0 mt (9. 9 t) Shoes ­ 900 mm (35") triple grouser 4. 5m/15. 0ft 6. 0m/20. 0ft 7. 5m/25. 0ft Bucket ­ None 9. 0m/30. 0ft m ft 9 . 0 m 3 0. 0ft 7 . 5 m 2 5. 0ft 6 . 0 m 2 0. 0ft 4. 5 m 1 5. 0ft 3. 0 m 1 0. 0ft 1. 5 m 5 . 0ft G round Line ­1. 5 m ­ 5. 0ft ­3. 0 m ­ 10. 0ft ­4. 5 m ­ 15. 0ft ­6. 0 m ­ 20. 0ft kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg l b kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb *18, 900 *18, 900 *38, 700 *38, 700 *15 350 *34, 600 *22 400 *50, 500 *31 400 *68, 000 *15 350 *34, 600 *22 400 *50, 500 *31 400 *68, 000 *24 150 *51, 850 *25 850 *60, 100 *23 850 *55, 200 *28 450 *62, 150 *26 850 *58, 150 *23 500 *50, 700 *17 800 *37, 650 21 950 47, 400 20 500 44, 200 19 850 42, 650 19 600 42, 200 19 700 42, 300 20 000 43, 000 *17 800 *37, 650 *15 100 *32, 600 *17 650 *38, 100 *19 800 *42, 850 *21 100 *45, 650 *21 350 *46, 200 *20 450 *44, 250 *18 200 *39, 100 *13 450 *27, 900 *15 100 *32, 600 14 450 31, 150 13 650 29, 450 13 150 28, 300 12 850 27, 700 12 850 27, 650 13 000 28, 000 13 450 *27, 900 *11 850 *25, 850 *13 050 *28, 300 *14 400 *31, 250 *15 700 *34, 000 15 800 33, 950 15 550 33, 500 15 500 33, 400 *14 050 *29, 900 11 350 24, 400 10 950 23, 550 10 450 22, 550 10 000 21, 550 9650 20, 850 9450 20, 400 9450 20, 350 9600 20, 700 *11 250 *23, 150 *11 800 *25, 750 *12 550 27, 050 12 300 26, 450 12 100 26, 000 11 950 25, 750 11 950 8450 18, 150 8250 17, 750 8000 17, 200 7750 16, 650 7550 16, 200 7400 15, 950 7450 *7950 *17, 650 *7600 *16, 800 *7550 *16, 600 *7650 *16, 850 *8000 *17, 600 *8600 *18, 900 *9500 *20, 950 10 650 23, 500 11 900 26, 300 *12 750 *28, 100 *12 300 *26, 850 *7950 *17, 650 *7600 *16, 800 7400 16, 450 6750 14, 900 6350 14, 000 6250 13, 700 6300 13, 900 6650 14, 650 7400 16, 350 8850 19, 750 *12 300 *26, 850 7. 86 25. 34 8. 96 29. 16 9. 71 31. 74 10. 18 33. 36 10. 42 34. 16 10. 43 34. 21 10. 21 33. 51 9. 77 32. 01 9. 04 29. 58 7. 97 25. 95 6. 38 20. 50 B oom ­ 6. 9 m (22'8") Stick ­ R3. 35TB (11'0") 1. 5m/5. 0ft 3. 0m/10. 0ft Counterweight ­ 9. 0 mt (9. 9 t) Shoes ­ 900 mm (35") triple grouser 4. 5m/15. 0ft 6. 0m/20. 0ft 7. 5m/25. 0ft Bucket ­ None 9. 0m/30. 0ft m ft 9 . 0 m 3 0. 0ft 7 . 5 m 2 5. 0ft 6 . 0 m 2 0. 0ft 4. 5 m 1 5. 0ft 3. 0 m 1 0. 0ft 1. 5 m 5 . 0ft G round Line ­1. 5 m ­ 5. 0ft ­3. 0 m ­ 10. 0ft ­4. 5 m ­ 15. 0ft kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg l b kg lb kg lb kg lb *14 950 *33, 750 *23 900 *53, 950 *27 850 *60, 100 *14 950 *33, 750 *23 900 *53, 950 *27 850 *60, 100 *21 000 *45, 000 *26 050 *56, 000 *18 650 *44, 600 *21 000 *48, 750 *28 100 *61, 000 *25 750 *55, 800 *21 750 *46, 800 *21 000 *45, 000 21 450 46, 300 *18 650 43, 650 19 850 42, 700 19 800 42, 550 19 950 42, 900 20 350 43, 750 *16 200 *35, 050 *18 650 *40, 250 *20 550 *44, 450 *21 450 *46, 450 *21 250 *46, 050 *19 950 *43, 100 *17 000 *36, 400 15 050 32, 500 14 250 30, 700 13 550 29, 200 13 150 28, 300 12 950 27, 900 13 000 28, 000 13 250 28, 550 *12 100 *26, 600 *12 700 *27, 650 *13 800 *29, 950 *15 100 *32, 700 16 100 34, 700 15 800 34, 000 15 650 33, 650 15 650 33, 700 11 400 24, 450 11 200 24, 050 10 800 23, 250 10 350 22, 350 9950 21, 500 9700 20, 900 9550 20, 600 9550 20, 650 *10 800 *20, 350 *12 450 *27, 100 12 550 26, 950 12 300 26, 450 12 100 26, 050 12 050 25, 950 8350 17, 850 8150 17, 550 7950 17, 100 7750 16, 650 7550 16, 300 7500 16, 150 *9050 *20, 150 *8550 *18, 850 *8400 *18, 450 *8500 *18, 700 *8850 *19, 450 *9450 *20, 800 *10 450 *23, 050 11 450 25, 300 13 000 *28, 650 *12 800 *28, 150 *9050 *20, 150 *8550 *18, 850 7900 17, 550 7150 15, 800 6750 14, 900 6600 14, 550 6750 14, 800 7150 15, 800 8050 17, 850 9950 22, 200 7. 30 23. 48 8. 48 27. 57 9. 27 30. 28 9. 76 31. 97 10. 01 32. 81 10. 02 32. 87 9. 80 32. 14 9. 33 30. 56 8. 57 28. 01 7. 43 24. 14 *Indicates that the load is limited by hydraulic lifting capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with hydraulic excavator lift capacity standard ISO 10567:2007. They do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping load. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted from the above lifting capacities. Lifting capacities are based on the machine standing on a firm, uniform supporting surface. The use of a work tool attachment point to handle/lift objects, could affect the machine lift performance. Always refer to the appropriate Operation and Maintenance Manual for specific product information. 23 7395LHydraulicExcavatorSpecifications 7395L(LC-VG)HDReachBoomLiftCapacities­Americas Load Point Height Load at Maximum Reach Load Radius Over Front Load Radius Over Side Boom ­ 6. 9 m (22'8") Stick ­ R3. 9TB (12'10") 1. 5m/5. 0ft 3. 0m/10. 0ft C ounterweight ­ 9. 0 mt (9. 9 t) S hoes ­ 900 mm (35") triple grouser 4. 5m/15. 0ft 6. 0m/20. 0ft 7. 5m/25. 0ft Bucket ­ None 9. 0m/30. 0ft m ft 9 . 0 m 3 0. 0ft 7 . 5 m 2 5. 0ft 6 . 0 m 2 0. 0ft 4. 5 m 1 5. 0ft 3. 0 m 1 0. 0ft 1. 5 m 5 . 0ft G round Line ­1. 5 m ­ 5. 0ft ­3. 0 m ­ 10. 0ft ­4. 5 m ­ 15. 0ft ­6. 0 m ­ 20. 0ft kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg l b kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb *7950 *11 950 *26, 050 *13 150 *28, 550 *14 550 *31, 550 *15 800 *34, 250 16 400 35, 350 16 200 34, 900 *16 000 *34, 500 *13 750 *29, 100 *11 950 *26, 050 12 000 25, 850 11 500 24, 850 11 100 23, 900 10 750 23, 150 10 550 22, 750 10 550 22, 700 10 700 23, 150 *11 300 *23, 800 *11 900 *25, 900 *12 650 *27, 450 12 800 27, 550 12 600 27, 100 12 450 26, 850 *7950 9300 20, 000 9100 19, 550 8850 19, 000 8550 18, 450 8350 18, 050 8250 17, 800 *9700 *22, 000 *16 000 *36, 000 *23 150 *52, 250 *30 850 *66, 500 *9700 *22, 000 *16 000 *36, 000 *23 150 *52, 250 *30 850 *66, 500 *24 600 *52, 850 *25 100 *59, 550 *24 100 *55, 700 *28 550 *61, 900 *26 600 *57, 600 *23 100 *49, 750 *17 050 24 350 52, 450 22 900 49, 350 22 300 47, 900 22 100 47, 500 22 200 47, 700 22 500 48, 400 *17 050 *15 350 *33, 100 *17 850 *38, 600 *20 000 *43, 200 *21 150 *45, 850 *21 300 *46, 100 *20 300 *43, 900 *17 900 *38, 400 *12 700 *15 350 *33, 100 15 900 34, 300 15 150 32, 600 14 650 31, 500 14 400 31, 000 14 350 30, 950 14 550 31, 350 *12 700 *7900 *17, 550 *7600 *16, 750 *7550 *16, 600 *7700 *16, 900 *8050 *17, 700 *8650 *19, 050 *9600 *21, 200 *11 150 *24, 650 12 600 27, 850 *12 750 *28, 100 *12 150 *27, 300 *7900 *17, 550 *7600 *16, 750 *7550 *16, 600 7400 16, 400 7050 15, 550 6950 15, 250 7050 15, 550 7500 16, 500 8350 18, 500 10 100 22, 550 *12 150 *27, 300 7. 98 25. 78 9. 05 29. 46 9. 77 31. 93 10. 22 33. 47 10. 43 34. 20 10. 42 34. 18 10. 18 33. 40 9. 71 31. 82 8. 96 29. 29 7. 84 25. 52 6. 18 19. 45 B oom ­ 6. 9 m (22'8") Stick ­ R3. 35TB (11'0") 1. 5m/5. 0ft 3. 0m/10. 0ft C ounterweight ­ 9. 0 mt (9. 9 t) S hoes ­ 900 mm (35") triple grouser 4. 5m/15. 0ft 6. 0m/20. 0ft 7. 5m/25. 0ft Bucket ­ None 9. 0m/30. 0ft m ft 9 . 0 m 3 0. 0ft 7 . 5 m 2 5. 0ft 6 . 0 m 2 0. 0ft 4. 5 m 1 5. 0ft 3. 0 m 1 0. 0ft 1. 5 m 5 . 0ft G round Line ­1. 5 m ­ 5. 0ft ­3. 0 m ­ 10. 0ft ­4. 5 m ­ 15. 0ft kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg l b kg lb kg lb kg lb *15 800 *35, 600 *24 850 *56, 150 *27 100 *58, 450 *15 800 *35, 600 *24 850 *56, 150 *27 100 *58, 450 *21 500 *46, 100 *26 500 *56, 850 *18 550 *44, 150 *21 550 *49, 900 *27 900 *60, 600 *25 450 *55, 100 *21 250 *45, 700 *21 500 *46, 100 23 800 51, 350 *18 550 *44, 150 *21 550 48, 000 22 300 47, 900 22 450 48, 300 *21 250 *45, 700 *16 450 *35, 550 *18 850 *40, 700 *20 700 *44, 700 *21 500 *46, 500 *21 200 *45, 900 *19 750 *42, 650 *16 600 *35, 450 *16 450 *35, 550 15 700 33, 900 15 050 32, 400 14 650 31, 550 14 500 31, 200 14 550 31, 300 14 800 31, 900 *12 150 *26, 650 *12 800 *27, 850 *13 900 *30, 200 *15 200 *32, 950 *16 300 *35, 300 16 450 35, 350 16 300 35, 050 *15 500 *33, 350 *12 150 *26, 650 12 250 26, 400 11 900 25, 600 11 450 24, 650 11 050 23, 800 10 750 23, 200 10 650 22, 950 10 700 23, 050 *11 250 *21, 650 *12 500 *27, 200 13 050 28, 050 12 800 27, 500 12 600 27, 150 12 550 27, 050 9200 19, 700 9000 19, 400 8800 18, 900 8550 18, 450 8400 18, 100 8350 18, 050 *9000 *19, 950 *8500 *18, 800 *8400 *18, 450 *8500 *18, 750 *8900 *19, 550 *9550 *21, 000 *10 600 *23, 350 12 050 26, 650 *13 000 *28, 650 *12 750 *28, 000 *9000 *19, 950 *8500 *18, 800 *8400 *18, 450 7900 17, 400 7500 16, 450 7350 16, 200 7550 16, 600 8050 17, 750 9150 20, 200 11 400 25, 400 7. 44 23. 95 8. 57 27. 88 9. 33 30. 48 9. 80 32. 09 10. 02 32. 85 10. 01 32. 83 9. 76 32. 02 9. 27 30. 36 8. 47 27. 70 7. 29 23. 68 *Indicates that the load is limited by hydraulic lifting capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with hydraulic excavator lift capacity standard ISO 10567:2007. They do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping load. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted from the above lifting capacities. Lifting capacities are based on the machine standing on a firm, uniform supporting surface. The use of a work tool attachment point to handle/lift objects, could affect the machine lift performance. Always refer to the appropriate Operation and Maintenance Manual for specific product information. 24 7395L(LC-FIX)MassBoomLiftCapacities­Americas Load Point Height Load at Maximum Reach Load Radius Over Front Load Radius Over Side Boom ­ 6. 55 m (21'6") Stick ­ M3. 0UB (9'10") 1. 5m/5. 0ft 3. 0m/10. 0ft C ounterweight ­ 9. 0 mt (9. 9 t) S hoes ­ 900 mm (35") triple grouser 4. 5m/15. 0ft 6. 0m/20. 0ft 7. 5m/25. 0ft Bucket ­ None 9. 0m/30. 0ft m ft 9. 0 m 30. 0ft 7 . 5 m 2 5. 0ft 6 . 0 m 2 0. 0ft 4. 5 m 1 5. 0ft 3. 0 m 1 0. 0ft 1. 5 m 5 . 0ft G round Line ­1. 5 m ­ 5. 0ft ­3. 0 m ­ 10. 0ft ­4. 5 m ­ 15. 0ft kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg l b kg lb kg lb kg lb *11 550 *13 000 *28, 350 *13 850 *30, 150 *15 000 *32, 500 15 700 33, 800 15 400 33, 100 15 250 32, 800 *14 300 *30, 450 10 900 10 750 23, 100 10 400 22, 350 9950 21, 400 9550 20, 550 9250 19, 950 9150 19, 700 9250 19, 950 *17 850 *40, 400 *29 400 *66, 650 *17 850 *40, 400 *29 400 *66, 650 *20 900 *44, 800 *25 650 *55, 100 *22 900 *55, 050 *25 950 *60, 500 *27 100 *58, 800 *24 300 *52, 550 *19 300 *41, 300 *20 900 *44, 800 20 900 45, 150 19 700 42, 400 19 250 41, 350 19 200 41, 250 19 400 41, 700 *19 300 *41, 300 *16 200 *35, 050 *18 450 *39, 850 *20 200 *43, 650 *20 900 *45, 300 *20 500 *44, 400 *18 700 *40, 400 *14 600 *30, 750 14 650 31, 600 13 800 29, 750 13 050 28, 150 12 650 27, 200 12 450 26, 850 12 550 27, 050 12 950 27, 950 *10 750 12 150 26, 050 11 900 25, 600 11 750 7700 7500 16, 150 7300 15, 750 7200 *10 000 *22, 050 *9700 *21, 400 *9800 *21, 600 *10 250 *22, 500 *11 050 *24, 250 11 550 25, 450 12 550 27, 650 *13 450 *29, 650 *12 900 *28, 300 *10 000 *22, 050 8600 19, 150 7600 16, 850 7100 15, 650 6900 15, 250 7050 15, 550 7600 16, 800 8850 19, 600 11 700 26, 200 7. 67 24. 87 8. 53 27. 85 9. 07 29. 69 9. 33 30. 59 9. 34 30. 65 9. 10 29. 86 8. 59 28. 16 7. 76 25. 35 6. 48 20. 99 B oom ­ 6. 55 m (21'6") Stick ­ M2. 5UB (8'2") 1. 5m/5. 0ft 3. 0m/10. 0ft C ounterweight ­ 9. 0 mt (9. 9 t) S hoes ­ 900 mm (35") triple grouser 4. 5m/15. 0ft 6. 0m/20. 0ft 7. 5m/25. 0ft Bucket ­ None m ft 9. 0 m 30. 0ft 7. 5 m 25. 0ft 6. 0 m 2 0. 0ft 4. 5 m 1 5. 0ft 3. 0 m 1 0. 0ft 1. 5 m 5 . 0ft G round Line ­1. 5 m ­ 5. 0ft ­3. 0 m ­ 10. 0ft ­4. 5 m ­ 15. 0ft kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg l b kg lb kg lb kg lb *22 750 *48, 800 *58, 350 22 400 48, 450 44, 300 *18 050 *41, 150 *28 000 *61, 000 *18 050 *41, 150 *28 000 *61, 000 *23 950 *56, 350 *26 250 *57, 050 *22 900 *49, 600 *16 950 *36, 050 19 450 41, 800 19 500 41, 900 19 800 42, 550 *16 950 *36, 050 *15 350 *33, 300 *17 250 *37, 250 *19 300 *41, 750 *20 800 *44, 950 *21 150 *45, 800 *20 300 *43, 950 *17 900 *38, 600 15 300 32, 900 14 550 31, 350 13 700 29, 550 13 100 28, 200 12 750 27, 450 12 650 27, 300 12 850 27, 650 *13 850 *30, 350 *14 600 *31, 800 *15 600 *33, 850 15 750 33, 900 15 500 33, 350 15 450 33, 250 10 700 22, 950 10 350 22, 300 9950 21, 450 9600 20, 700 9350 20, 200 9300 20, 100 *13 050 *28, 900 *12 700 *27, 950 *12 850 *28, 250 12 450 27, 400 12 200 26, 900 12 600 27, 800 13 850 30, 550 *14 100 *31, 000 *12 900 *28, 100 11 800 26, 600 9500 21, 150 8350 18, 400 7750 17, 050 7550 16, 600 7750 17, 050 8450 18, 650 10 050 22, 250 *12 900 *28, 100 7. 10 22. 99 8. 03 26. 19 8. 60 28. 14 8. 87 29. 09 8. 88 29. 15 8. 63 28. 33 8. 10 26. 52 7. 20 23. 52 5. 79 18. 72 *Indicates that the load is limited by hydraulic lifting capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with hydraulic excavator lift capacity standard ISO 10567:2007. They do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping load. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted from the above lifting capacities. Lifting capacities are based on the machine standing on a firm, uniform supporting surface. The use of a work tool attachment point to handle/lift objects, could affect the machine lift performance. Always refer to the appropriate Operation and Maintenance Manual for specific product information. 25 7395LHydraulicExcavatorSpecifications 7395L(LC-FIX)MassBoomLiftCapacities­Americas Load Point Height Load at Maximum Reach Load Radius Over Front Load Radius Over Side Boom ­ 6. 55 m (21'6") Stick ­ M3. 0UB (9'10") 1. 5m/5. 0ft 3. 0m/10. 0ft C ounterweight ­ 9. 0 mt (9. 9 t) S hoes ­ 600 mm (24") double grouser 4. 5m/15. 0ft 6. 0m/20. 0ft 7. 5m/25. 0ft Bucket ­ None 9. 0m/30. 0ft m ft 9. 0 m 30. 0ft 7 . 5 m 2 5. 0ft 6 . 0 m 2 0. 0ft 4. 5 m 1 5. 0ft 3. 0 m 1 0. 0ft 1. 5 m 5 . 0ft G round Line ­1. 5 m ­ 5. 0ft ­3. 0 m ­ 10. 0ft ­4. 5 m ­ 15. 0ft kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg l b kg lb kg lb kg lb *11 550 *13 000 *28, 350 *13 850 *30, 150 *15 000 *32, 500 15 300 32, 850 14 950 32, 150 14 800 31, 900 *14 300 *30, 450 10 650 10 500 22, 550 10 150 21, 800 9700 20, 850 9300 20, 000 9000 19, 350 8900 19, 150 9000 19, 400 *17 850 *40, 400 *29 400 *66, 650 *17 850 *40, 400 *29 400 *66, 650 *20 900 *44, 800 *25 650 *55, 100 *22 900 *55, 050 *25 950 *60, 500 *27 100 *58, 800 *24 300 *52, 550 *19 300 *41, 300 *20 900 *44, 800 20 400 44, 050 19 150 41, 300 18 750 40, 250 18 700 40, 150 18 900 40, 600 *19 300 *41, 300 *16 200 *35, 050 *18 450 *39, 850 *20 200 *43, 650 *20 900 *45, 300 *20 500 *44, 400 *18 700 *40, 400 *14 600 *30, 750 14 350 30, 900 13 450 29, 000 12 700 27, 450 12 300 26, 450 12 150 26, 100 12 200 26, 300 12 600 27, 250 *10 750 11 800 25, 350 11 550 24, 850 11 400 7500 7300 15, 700 7100 15, 300 7000 *10 000 *22, 050 *9700 *21, 400 *9800 *21, 600 *10 250 *22, 500 10 950 24, 050 11 250 24, 750 12 150 26, 850 *13 450 *29, 650 *12 900 *28, 300 *10 000 *22, 050 8400 18, 650 7400 16, 400 6900 15, 200 6750 14, 800 6850 15, 100 7400 16, 350 8600 19, 050 11 350 25, 550 7. 67 24. 87 8. 53 27. 85 9. 07 29. 69 9. 33 30. 59 9. 34 30. 65 9. 10 29. 86 8. 59 28. 16 7. 76 25. 35 6. 48 20. 99 B oom ­ 6. 55 m (21'6") Stick ­ M2. 5UB (8'2") 1. 5m/5. 0ft 3. 0m/10. 0ft C ounterweight ­ 9. 0 mt (9. 9 t) S hoes ­ 600 mm (24") double grouser 4. 5m/15. 0ft 6. 0m/20. 0ft 7. 5m/25. 0ft Bucket ­ None m ft 9. 0 m 30. 0ft 7 . 5 m 2 5. 0ft 6. 0 m 2 0. 0ft 4. 5 m 1 5. 0ft 3. 0 m 1 0. 0ft 1. 5 m 5 . 0ft G round Line ­1. 5 m ­ 5. 0ft ­3. 0 m ­ 10. 0ft ­4. 5 m ­ 15. 0ft kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg l b kg lb kg lb kg lb *22 750 *48, 800 *58, 350 21 900 47, 300 43, 200 *18 050 *41, 150 *28 000 *61, 000 *18 050 *41, 150 *28 000 *61, 000 *23 950 *56, 350 *26 250 *57, 050 *22 900 *49, 600 *16 950 *36, 050 18 950 40, 650 19 000 40, 800 19 300 41, 450 *16 950 *36, 050 *15 350 *33, 300 *17 250 *37, 250 *19 300 *41, 750 *20 800 *44, 950 *21 150 45, 700 *20 300 *43, 950 *17 900 *38, 600 14 950 32, 150 14 200 30, 600 13 350 28, 850 12 750 27, 450 12 400 26, 700 12 300 26, 550 12 500 26, 900 *13 850 *30, 350 *14 600 *31, 800 *15 600 33, 800 15 300 32, 950 15 050 32, 400 15 000 32, 300 10 400 22, 350 10 100 21, 750 9700 20, 900 9350 20, 150 9100 19, 650 9050 19, 550 *13 050 *28, 900 *12 700 *27, 950 *12 850 *28, 250 12 100 26, 650 11 900 26, 150 12 250 27, 000 13 450 29, 700 *14 100 *31, 000 *12 900 *28, 100 11 550 26, 000 9250 20, 600 8100 17, 950 7500 16, 600 7350 16, 150 7550 16, 600 8200 18, 100 9750 21, 650 *12 900 *28, 100 7. 10 22. 99 8. 03 26. 19 8. 60 28. 14 8. 87 29. 09 8. 88 29. 15 8. 63 28. 33 8. 10 26. 52 7. 20 23. 52 5. 79 18. 72 *Indicates that the load is limited by hydraulic lifting capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with hydraulic excavator lift capacity standard ISO 10567:2007. They do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping load. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted from the above lifting capacities. Lifting capacities are based on the machine standing on a firm, uniform supporting surface. The use of a work tool attachment point to handle/lift objects, could affect the machine lift performance. Always refer to the appropriate Operation and Maintenance Manual for specific product information. 26 7395 L Bucket Specifications and Compatibility Width Linkage Without Quick Coupler General Duty (GDC) TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB General Duty XL (GDXL) Heavy Duty (HD) TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB UB UB UB Severe Duty (SD) TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB UB UB Extreme Duty (XD) TB TB 750 900 1050 1200 1350 1500 1700 1850 2043 900 1050 1200 1350 1500 1650 1800 1650 1850 1950 760 900 1050 1200 1400 1550 1700 1850 1450 1850 1250 1400 30 36 42 48 54 60 68 74 80 36 42 48 54 60 66 71 65 73 77 30 36 42 48 55 61 67 74 58 73 49 55 0. 95 1. 23 1. 51 1. 80 2. 10 2. 39 2. 78 3. 08 3. 82 1. 08 1. 34 1. 60 1. 87 2. 14 2. 41 2. 69 2. 77 3. 19 3. 43 0. 88 1. 08 1. 34 1. 60 1. 87 2. 14 2. 41 2. 69 2. 39 3. 21 1. 60 1. 87 1. 24 1. 60 1. 98 2. 36 2. 74 3. 13 3. 64 4. 04 5. 00 1. 41 1. 75 2. 09 2. 44 2. 80 3. 15 3. 52 3. 62 4. 16 4. 48 1. 15 1. 41 1. 75 2. 09 2. 44 2. 80 3. 16 3. 52 3. 13 4. 20 2. 09 2. 44 1311 1441 1525 1676 1792 1943 2128 2254 2373 1594 1684 1834 1974 2125 2286 2423 2581 2741 2898 1446 1677 1779 1952 2180 2381 2524 2726 2540 2987 2224 2366 2, 889 3, 176 3, 361 3, 694 3, 950 4, 282 4, 690 4, 968 5, 230 3, 513 3, 712 4, 043 4, 350 4, 684 5, 039 5, 340 5, 689 6, 041 6, 387 3, 187 3, 696 3, 921 4, 302 4, 805 5, 248 5, 563 6, 008 5, 598 6, 583 4, 902 5, 215 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% kg lb 7995 17, 621 7200 15, 869 6730 14, 833 6210 13, 687 mm in Capacity m3 yd3 Weight kg lb Fill % Mass Boom M2. 5 (8'2") M3. 0 (9'10") Reach Boom (HD) R3. 35 HD (11'0") R3. 9 HD (12'10") Maximum load pin-on (payload + bucket) Maximum Material Density: 2100 kg/m3 (3, 500 lb/yd3) The above loads are in compliance with hydraulic excavator standard EN474, they do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity with front linkage fully extended at ground line with bucket curled. [. . . ] X 1800 kg/m3 (3, 000 lb/yd3) 1500 kg/m3 (2, 500 lb/yd3) 1200 kg/m3 (2, 000 lb/yd3) 900 kg/m3 (1, 500 lb/yd3) Not Recommended Caterpillar recommends using appropriate work tools to maximize the value customers receive from our products. Use of work tools, including buckets, which are outside of Caterpillar's recommendations or specifications for weight, dimensions, flows, pressures, etc. may result in less-than-optimal performance, including but not limited to reductions in production, stability, reliability, and component durability. [. . . ]


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