User manual SUUNTO GEKKO


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Manual abstract: user guide SUUNTO GEKKO

Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

[. . . ] EN SUUNTO GEKKO USER'S GUIDE Arrows: - Decompression Stop at the Ceiling Depth - Mandatory Safety Stop Zone - Ascent Recommended - Must Descend Safety Stop Warning Safety Stop Indicator Fast Ascent Warning (SLOW) Maximum Depth Ceiling Depth on Decompression Mandatory Safety Stop Depth Average Depth on Logbook Oxygen Partial Pressure AM/PM Indicator Present Depth Dive Counter Logbook Symbol DIVE CEILING Dive Attention Symbol m ft Bar Graph: - Mode Indicator - Consumed Botton Time - Oxygen Limit Fraction Bar Graph: - Ascent Rate Indicator - Battery Power Indicator - Logbook Page Indicator NO O2%SURF OK SELECT Quick reference guide Gekko Do Not Fly Icon S L O AVGPO2 MAX W STOP ASC TIME QUIT Current Time Display Surface Interval Time No Flying Time No-Decompression Time Total Ascent Time Safety Stop Time The Smart Button: - Activation - Mode Operations Indicators for the Smart Button Oxygen Percentage in Nitrox Mode TIME NO DEC TIME High Altitude Mode Personal Adjustment Mode OLF C B T °F°C DIVE TIME Low Battery Warning Dive Time Time Month, Day DiveTime/Depth Alarm On Indicator OPTIONS Temperature Week Day Mode Text Indicators for the Scroll Buttons Dive Planning Button Scroll Button (increase value, ascend) Time (alternative display) Button Scroll Button (decrease value, descend) DEFINITION OF WARNINGS, CAUTIONS AND NOTES Throughout this manual, special references are made when deemed important. Three classifications are used to separate these references by their order of importance. WARNING is used in connection with a procedure or situation that may result in serious injury or death. CAUTION is used in connection with a procedure or situation that will result in damage to the product. [. . . ] Flying or travelling to a higher altitude should be avoided at any time the computer counts down the no-flying time. 31 m MAX NO NOTE!You should always activate the dive computer and check that the airplane symbol is not displayed prior to flying. Dive Attention Symbol Violated Decompression Ceiling °C DIVE TIME NO Do Not Fly Symbol The no-flying time is always at least 12 hours or equivalent to the so-called desaturation time (if longer than 12 hours). Divers Alert Network (DAN) recommends the following on no-flying times: A minimum surface interval of 12 hours would be required in order to be reasonably assured a diver will remain symptom free upon ascent to altitude in a commercial jetliner (altitude up to 2400 m [8000 ft]). Divers who plan to make daily, multiple dives for several days, or make dives that require decompression stops, should take special precautions and wait for an extended interval beyond 12 hours before flight. Further, the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) suggests divers using standard air cylinders and exhibiting no symptoms of decompression illness wait 24 hours after their last dive to fly in an aircraft with cabin pressure up to 2400 m [8000 ft]. The only two exceptions to this recommendation are: If a diver had less than 2 hours total accumulated dive time in the last 48 hours, then a 12 hour surface interval before flying is recommended. Following any dive that required a decompression stop, flying should be delayed for at least 24 hours, and if possible, for 48 hours. Suunto recommends that flying is avoided until all the DAN and UHMS guidelines and the dive computer wait to fly conditions are satisfied. Fig. Er symbol indicates that you have violated the ceiling for more than three minutes. You must not dive again for at least 48 hours. - - - - 32 3. 6. AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS The dive computer features audible alarms to advise when important limits are approached or to acknowledge preset alarms. when the dive computer automatically returns to the TIME mode. Three single beeps with a two second interval occurs, when: the no-decompression dive turns into a decompression stop dive. An arrow pointing upwards and the blinking ascent warning ASC TIME will appear (Fig. 3. 15. ). Continuous beeps for 5 seconds occur, when: the maximum allowed ascent rate, 10 m/min [33 ft/min], is exceeded. The instrument will otherwise enter a permanent Error Mode within three minutes, indicated by a permanent Er (Fig. The user programmable alarms can be set for maximum depth and dive time. The alarms activate when: The preset maximum depth is reached continuous beep series for 24 seconds or until any button is pressed. the maximum depth blinks as long as the present depth value exceeds the adjusted value. The preset dive time is reached continuous beep series for 24 seconds or until any button is pressed. the dive time blinks for one minute, if no button is pressed. OXYGEN ALARMS IN NITROX MODE Three double beeps for 5 seconds occur, when: the OLF bar graph reaches 80%. The blinking of the segments exceeding 80% will stop, when the OLF is not loading anymore. Continuous beeps for 3 minutes occur, when: the set oxygen partial pressure limit is exceeded. [. . . ] Dive time Elapsed time between leaving the surface to descend, and returning to the surface at the end of a dive. Standard mixes are EAN32 (NOAA Nitrox I = NN I) and EAN36 (NOAA Nitrox II = NN II). Floor The deepest depth during a decompression stop dive at which decompression takes place. Half-time After a change in ambient pressure, the amount of time required for the partial pressure of nitrogen in a theoretical compartment to go half-way from its previous value to saturation at the new ambient pressure. [. . . ]


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