Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] APDTM (Automatic Power DownTM) turns off the TI-30Xa automatically if no key is pressed for about 5 minutes, but does not clear display, settings, pending operations, or memory. Note: | after APD retrieves display, pending operations, settings, and memory. TI-30Xa Solar ¦ To turn on the TI-30Xa Solar, expose the solar panel to light and press !. to clear the calculator because memory and display may contain incorrect numbers. [. . . ] 45.
Enter DMS (Degrees/Minutes/Seconds) values as D. MMSSs, using 0s as necessary: D . MM SS s degrees (07 digits) decimal-point separator minutes (must be 2 digits) seconds (must be 2 digits) fractional part of a second
For example, enter 48¡5'3. 5" as 48. 05035. Note: Before using a DMS value in a calculation, you must convert it to decimal with " q. 30. 1525 30. 09090 " q " w Temporarily displays current value as DMS. 30. 1525 " w 30¡09'09"0 7
Rectangular to Polar
" k converts rectangular coordinates (x, y) to polar coordinates (r, q).
Convert rectangular coordinates (10, 8 ) to polar.
# (if necessary) 10 " [ 8 " k (display r) " [ (display q)
8 12. 80624847 38. 65980825
Polar to Rectangular
" e converts polar coordinates (r, q) to rectangular coordinates (x, y).
Convert polar coordinates (5, 30) to rectangular.
# (if necessary) 5 " [ 30 " e (display x) " [ (display y)
30 4. 330127019 2. 5
Trigonometric Functions
Before using the trigonometric functions ( ), *, +, " V, " W, or " X), select DEG, RAD, or GRAD with #. Note: Before using a DMS value in a calculation, you must convert it to decimal with " q. # (if necessary) 90 ) > 30 * J 1"V > . 5 J
1. 89. 5
Hyperbolic Functions
To access hyperbolic functions, press ( and then the function ( ( ), ( *, ( +, ( " V, ( " W, ( " X). 5() D2J 5("V D2J 74. 20321058 76. 20321058 2. 312438341 4. 312438341
One-Variable Statistics
"h 4 "a "\ Clears all statistical data. Enter data point, press " \, enter frequency (199), press 4 to add or " a to remove data points. Number of data points.
"c "d "] "_ "^ "b
Find the sum, mean, population standard deviation, and sample standard deviation for the data set: 45, 55, 55, 55, 60, 80. The last data point is erroneously entered as 8, removed with " a, and then correctly entered as 80.
" h (if STAT is displayed) n= 45 4 n= 55 " \ 3 4 n= 60 4 n= 84 n= 8"a n= 80 4 " c (sum) " ] (mean) " _ (deviation, n weighting) " ^ (deviation, n-1 weighting) 1 4 5 6 5 6 350. 58. 33333333 10. 67187373 11. 69045194
A combination is an arrangement of objects in which order is not important, as in a hand of cards. " i calculates the number of possible combinations of n items taken r at a time.
Calculate the number of 5-card poker hands that can be dealt from a deck of 52 cards.
52 " i 5 J 2598960.
A permutation is an arrangement of objects in which the order is important, as in a race. " j calculates the number of possible permutations of n items taken r at a time.
Calculate the number of possible permutations for the 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-place finishers (no ties) in an 8horse race.
8"j3J 336.
A factorial is the product of the positive integers from 1 to n. (n must be a positive whole number 69).
Using the digits 1, 3, 7, and 9 only one time each, how many 4-digit numbers can you form?
4"v 24.
Clearing and Correcting
| (battery) & (solar) ||
Clears value (before operation key) and K, but not M1, M2, M3, or STAT. Clears display, errors, all pending operations and K, but not M1, M2, M3, or
& & (solar) STAT. Clears display, errors, all pending }| (battery) operations, K, and STAT, but not M1, M2, and M3. "h
Constants (Repeated Operations)
A constant contains an operation and a value. To establish a constant, press " U after entering the operation and value. [. . . ] For TAN: x=90¡, -90¡, 270¡, -270¡, 450¡, etc. Calculating v, sxn, or sxn-1 with no data points or sxn-1 with one data point.
¦ " h with no data points.
In Case of Difficulty
Review instructions to be certain calculations were performed properly. TI-30Xa (battery) If the display is blank, check for improperly installed batteries. TI-30Xa Solar If the display is blank, expose the solar panel to adequate light. [. . . ]